
With all our different projects there is a lot going on. Take a look at our latest news in order to stay up to date with our most recent developments and achievements.

Paper accepted at ISM conference

PEEC is pleased to announce that a research paper has been accepted for publication at the International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing (ISM), where topics related to Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing will be discussed.

Two new research projects approved!

Fortunately, two new research projects with PEEC participation could be started in the previous weeks - the projects Carreer Advisory System and IVES - Interactive Visualizations for Recommender Systems.

Paper presentation at ISM Conference

The ISM conference took place from 23 - 25 November. Due to the current corona situation the conference was held as a virtual event. Johannes Schönböck, member of the research group PEEC, was allowed to present 2 papers.

Article Published in Frontiers in Computer Science

The interdisciplinary research topic "Psychological Models in Personalized Human-Computer Interaction" across the journals Frontiers in Computer Science and Frontiers in Psychology features an article authored by PEEC members Thomas Neumayr and Mirjam Augstein.

word cloud around personalized collaborative systems